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中英文對照: AIT 理事David Brown 論蕭美琴之公開信
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NELSON REPORT: David Brown on Hsiao Bi-khim's letter
NELSON REPORT avid Brown論蕭美琴之公開信
Thanks for sharing Bi-Khim's open letter. She deserves respect, but this piece is a partisan statement of DPP views on the current crisis in the LY. That's her job, of course.
感謝分享蕭美琴(Hsiao Bi-khim)的公開信。她值得我們尊重,但這是一份民進黨(DPP)觀點的當前立法院(LY)危機的聲明。當然,這是她的工作。
You and others will note that it omits much of the story concerning the STA, which the DPP has opposed from its signing last June. She conveniently omits the DPP's record of obstruction of LY consideration of the agreement. That began in the special LY session last fall and continued with dilatory handling of forums on the agreement.
The week before March 17, the DPP had repeatedly prevented the planned article by article review of the STA at the LY committee level. That obstructionism was the proximate incentive for the KMT to ram through a decision moving the STA from committee to plenary consideration on Mar. 18.
It is remarkable that the students reacted so quickly that same evening to occupy the LY. . The KMT has accused the DPP of instigating this action, an accusation that many believe. Unnamed DPP politicians were reportedly on the scene later that evening; and the party endorsed the action the following day, and then encouraged all its members to support the students' illegal occupation.
A DPP poll published a few days earlier had indicated that a plurality of DPP members (40%) were dissatisfied with the party's knee-jerky opposition to every step forward in cross-strait relations. So rather than have the DPP LY caucus responsible for continuing to block consideration of the STA, wasn't it in the DPP's interest to have students play that role?
Bi-Khim portrays this as a struggle for democracy. It's really another fundamental clash of approaches toward the mainland and toward Taiwan's future. But if its about democracy, is the DPP's repeated physical blocking of LY action democratic?
The DPP's problem is that the KMT, divided as it is, has a LY majority, and the DPP will go to whatever lengths are necessary to block the majority when their key interests are involved or when it suits the DPP's election mobilization goals to exploit issues for political advantage.
I suspect that the fall election is a key consideration in how the party is handling the issue. In this country we would not permit such obstruction to occur in the Congress, and we would not view the DPP's obstruction tactics as legitimate democratic action.
Taiwan is a democracy in transition. It faces challenges and some of those challenges come from the DPP.
美在學運挺藍 力保台海 穩定
2014年04月15日 04:10 記者陳筑君/綜合報導
文章說,學運過程中,有不少台灣人士在美國「告洋狀」,像是民進黨籍 立委蕭美琴,便在《尼爾森報導》發表「公開信」,指責馬英九簽署《兩 岸服貿協議》是「傾中賣台」,且簽署過程存在黑箱操作現象;反服貿學 生籌款在《紐約時報》登廣告,企圖爭奪話語權、尋求美國支持;清大學 生魏揚和學運發言人黃郁芬趕赴美國,在華府召開記者會,繼續向美國發 聲等。
......令綠營和學生意 外的是,美國各界竟「高度一致」,沒有出現「多元化現象」,均稱馬英 九緩和兩岸關係的作為值得肯定,台灣學生反對「服貿」是不民主的作為 ,甚至是非法行為,而民進黨在其中扮演了不光彩的角色。
美方支持馬政府的發言,包括美國務院副發言人哈夫表示,希望台灣各界 以和平、文明方式討論《兩岸服貿協議》,也希望兩岸繼續建設性對話。
美國務院主管亞太事務的助理國務卿羅素,則是在國會聽證會上指出,美 國期盼台灣的「反服貿」學生「負責任地運用自由,作法也要符合文明與 平和,當然更要避免暴力」,他並讚揚馬當局改善兩岸關係是「歷史性里 程碑」。
對美國此次支持藍營作法,張華表示,以往大陸學界有看法稱,美奉行「 以台制中」、「以綠制藍」政策,但隨著中美建立新型大國關係和兩岸關 係和平發展,這種看法似乎需要修正。
但他同時認為,美方樂見台海地區和平並不等於歡迎兩岸統一,且不代表 美在台灣問題上沒有大戰略
美國官方直指學生這場運動台灣學生反對「服貿」是不民主的作為 ,甚至是非法行為,