vermillion's 問前世因果與事業 - 紫微斗數付費命理諮詢 - 實證因果紫微斗數學會
印證因緣果報的真實存在→已經運用本門的「宿緣律」,破天荒全過程,在網路公開討論區兩萬多篇公開問答,超過萬次的宿世因緣推算,幾達100/100的神準推斷了雙方注定的宿緣互動心態、互動過程與結局,印證了人與人之間確實存在著注定的宿世緣分。而這神準的宿世緣分,也就是顯示了前世冤欠或是前世恩德,造成今生注定的貴人或是冤親小人,這也證實了因緣果報的存在;而掌握貴人冤親的天機契機,也就掌握了今生成功失敗的重要關鍵。實證天理因果真實存在→前世因果功過能印證→運用本門的「因果律」超過千次的前世因果功過推斷,不只是神準推斷出今生必然的命運過程型態,也神驗的推斷出前世因果與祖宗因果,對於本身命運吉凶的重大影響,實證了「因緣同類相生」「前世因果今生相反承受」的因果天理,詳細的因果作用原理闡述如下;在精彩主題區中「前世今生因果」的故事中,就陳列了多個可以查證歷史而印證過的真人真事實例;通常認為前世因果今生難以求證,但是在這些事例中,依據本門紫微因果律,卻真正可以從祖上歷史因果經歷的實證來看,印證出「宿世因果報應」是有某些傳承的依據。 因為,單從自身一組生辰資料就可以準確推算出自身之外的祖上多代的主要歷史因果功過,這不就明顯的呈現出因緣果報的「欲知前生事,今生受者是」的「因緣承受」法則,也就是「善惡因緣必有前世因」「善惡到頭終有報,不爭早與遲」;再從「因果律」中的「種瓜得瓜種豆得豆」、「因緣同類相生」的因緣承受法則,可以讓人明顯的理解這些「前世因」,既是祖上的功過遺產,再從「欲知前生事,今生受者是」的因緣法則,可也就是明顯呈現自身在多次前世輪迴中的主要因果功過。協助超昇業障,教導修行功果→達爾文的進化論,不也就是肉體生命基因的「因緣承受」,並在之後的發展,開啟了生命基因科學的昌盛; 「實證因果紫微」的斗數原理也就如進化論般、劃時代的證實了「因果論」,也將在以後陸續發布的主題中,呈現出「實證因果紫微」的斗數推算系統,可以像生命的基因與演化科學;甚至更科學地,將宿世緣分的互動規律,命格與緣份的運作原理,像精密的基因工程,去掌握因果基因結構,與因果基因交換的精密技術智慧;精妙的「實證因果紫微」斗數系統,將可以無可限量進化,與研究發展應用,可以像「生命基因科學」般的幫助人類生命靈魂的進化與救贖。



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vermillion's 問前世因果與事業

vermillion 發表於 2007-12-22 00:03 | 顯示全部樓層 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
大大好,麻烦您了, vv已经把 47 GBP 透过 paypal 付款了,希望您告诉VV可以消费的点数.


大大, 我可以保密我的时辰出生日期吗(因为某些原因)? 我发短消息给您. 您可以在这里答复.

五, VV 想知道自己的前世因果及今生的課題, 还有关于姻缘.

VV现在在国外读书,但是学业压力很大, 读的是自己不喜欢的科目,可以因为是长女,没办法拒绝家人的意愿, 只能选父母希望的科目.
其实VV真的很郁闷, 很无奈,但是路是自己选择的,不管如何还是得走下去,想问能否继续完成学业, 或读得更高学历? 关于恋爱,自己不急知是别人急,没有喜欢的对象也不怎么喜欢和异性相处,可以告知是否和因果有关吗? 但是很喜欢小孩,所以以后想要个家.


 樓主| vermillion 發表於 2007-12-22 01:46 | 顯示全部樓層

回復 #2 玥琉璃 的帖子

Kuala Lumpur (101:43E,3:10N)
 樓主| vermillion 發表於 2007-12-22 03:51 | 顯示全部樓層

回復 #4 晨曦居士 的帖子

yeah, glad to hear that from you. I appreciate a lot. thanks.
 樓主| vermillion 發表於 2007-12-22 07:02 | 顯示全部樓層
thanks for your explainations. i am a law student, someone had told me before that according to my chart i am very suitable to become a lawyer, but myself dont feel that way.

well, i dunno how should i respond, yeah in 2005 someone had helped me when i was in poor conditions, but i still felt very sick..=_=

=> yeah, i would like to do this, i will transfer some money after this i hope you dont mind. May i kindly know that would he be tolerance to me or otherwise? Could he capable to afford my living (cause i am quite of a wasteful person, and i feel shameful to spend my parents money even if they are capable, of course i will earn it by myself but still....if possible, he may give me a hand as well right?).

Also, i would like to tell that, my life until now, it wasnt that good like you have said, i have been struggling through lots of things and obstacles to achieve what i want. But you are so accurated in mentioning my characters in treating my family and life, i dunno why, but the hatred just come to me when i face my family.... and yeah, i believe in my own religion and my family background has a long history which related to religion.

More, may i know about my children, i know it sound bizarre but i really get curious about my children, i want them to have better life than me, if not, just dont have any for this life.

last but not least, am i going to just stay low profile after 42?

thanks for your explanations.
 樓主| vermillion 發表於 2007-12-22 07:02 | 顯示全部樓層
Date: Sat, 22 Dec 2007 06:39:46 +0800

well i guess i have to make myself clear about my family background. I come from a clan which believe in Taoism, my grandfather has established a temple in Malaysia and own a group of believers, i dont know the in-depth of the temple cause i seldom intervene my family's matter, all i know is we worship 太上老君. i am myself quite religious, way now still stuck between Taosim and Buddhism, even so i am very faithful to what i have believe. I am also interested in fortune telling such as 紫微斗数, but unfortunately i dont have the time to learn more about it, plus my chinese basic wasnt very good enough for me to understand those 文言文.

All these years i have been trying to know myself from chart, but when it comes to detail part i couldnt really capable to dig into it, all i know is, which is according to my understanding, my chart just "looks" nice yet doesnt, i was born in winter, and my chart is 天机巨门, supposingly needs water and wood(i dunno, i always confuse with 5 elements), but because i was born in winter, i had actually weaken my strength part. I dunno whther my understanding is correct, because is just what i interpreted by myself, so dont take it too serious.

Even so, i know that compare to others i have been way luckier, as my parents are capable to give me better living. But i feel the pressure, insecurity and emptiness all the time since i was young, cause i feel like i am being captured and confined by some transparent web, like my parents' wish and things, is burdensome that made me couldnt really feel happy, plus my character is quite introverted. For friends, i do believe i have owed them alot maybe during the past, that make me intrinsically treat them really nice.....always...i have to give out more then them. I kind of realise after i read my own chart...if fate does exist.=_=

I hope this would help you for your interpretations and calculations. sorry for telling this late.





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